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How long will I be in counseling?Counseling treatment averages around 16 weeks, however the extent of your treatment may vary depending on what is being sought out.
How long do counseling sessions last?The average Co-Pilot counseling session is 50 to 55 minutes. If longer specialized sessions are desired, this can be arranged after discussion with counselor.
What can I expect from my first session?Often times the initial session consist of introduction and gathering general infor,mation as to why you are seeking counseling. This first session allows the practitioner to get to know you regarding what you are seeking and then develop a treatment plan that best fits your current needs.
How can I maker the most out of my counseling experience?You've probably heard the saying "you only get as much out as you put in." This can be applied to counseling. This does not incinuate total disclosure or anything that brings you distress, but as counselors, it is our job to help people improve their lives. Therefore, in order to help you improve, we ask that you trust the process and be aware that since counseling is structured around collaboration,it requires an active role from both the client at the therapist for change to occur. You will never be forced to disclose information or be put into any form of uncomfortable position. You can always stop discussion and change topic if you become to overwhelmed or if you need a moment.
What do I do if I need help right away?We encourage clients to contact us or come in for an emergency/crisis session if they feel it is indeed one. We prefer to see you, and please know that you will be seen as soon as a therapist becomes available. Additionally, you may receive 24/7 Crisis Support as follows (publically accessable): - National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1.800.SUICIDE (784.2433) - Veterans Crisis Hotline: 1.800.273.TALK (8255) - Crisis Text Line: text HOME to 741741 - Trevor Project 24/7 Line: 1.866.488.7386 or TrevorText: text START to 678-678 - National Sexual Assault Hotline: 1.800.656.HOPE (4673)
What is considered an emergecy, crisis situation?"An emergency/crisis experience is individually based, depending on what it feels like for you based on your “normal”. We encourage clients to contact us or come in for an emergency/crisis session if they feel it is indeed one. We prefer to see you, and please know that you will be seen as soon as a therapist becomes available. Some examples of a need for an emergency/crisis counseling session, include: - Imminent suicidal thought and/or a plan - Imminent homicidal thoughts - Severely losing emotional control - Gross impairment in thinking ability - Exhibiting bizarre behavior - Experienced a recent trauma
What is counseling?According to the American Psychological Association, counseling is: professional assistance in coping with personal problems, including emotional, behavioral, vocational, marital, educational, rehabilitation, and life-stage (e.g., retirement) problems. The counselor makes use of such techniques as active listening, guidance, advice, discussion, clarification, and the administration of tests.
How do therapists work with other professionals?In order to preserve the continuity of care, it’s important to work with school counselors, pediatricians, primary care physicians, psychiatrists, etc. With written permission, therapists can provide treatment plans or answer questions that other professionals may have. If a client needs their therapist to work with other professionals in their life, please don’t hesitate to ask.
What is the difference between seeing a therapist, a psychologist and a psychiatrist?"As mental health therapists / counselors the scope of treatment is talk-therapy. Typically therapists have their masters degree, and yearly cont. education. While, psychologists also provide counseling services they also provide psychological testing for schools, courts and other entities. Psychiatrists tend to limit their talk therapy / counseling services and are typically available for medication management. If your therapist feels that you may need medication, they will provide you with a referral to doctors that they may recommend. A psychiatrist is a medical doctor that specialists in behavior. If medication is necessary, typically in these clients, medication and talk therapy are used together. Medication therapy is not a replacement for talk therapy.
Are counseling sessions confidential?Yes! The counseling center takes confidentiality very seriously, and no information will be exchanged with individuals or agencies outside of our center unless you provide us with explicit consent to do so. Information shared within counseling is not reported to anyone else outside of Co-Pilot practitioners without your written consent. We recognize that a safe and confidential environment is crucial in order for you to feel comfortable sharing personal information.
Is the counseling center LGBTQ friendly?Yes! All are welcome here.
Are there any benefits to not using insurance?You might elect to not use insurance for privacy reasons. Throughout treatment, your insurance company generally needs a mental health diagnosis to determine "medical necessity". When we run up against issues processing claims, insurance companies have required additional clinical information such as a treatment summary. Some of our clients have also expressed concerns about leaving a paper trail when applying for life, health or disability insurance. These concerns may also apply to individuals seeking out various specialty career occupations such as, but not limited too: lawyers, aviation pilots, police or other legal official positions in which medical diagnoses may deter or cause ineligability for these select career paths.
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